Scientifically founded

Independent study regarding the effectiveness of Metabolic Balance

The “Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism” published this study at the end of December 2010. It shows that the Metabolic Balance program is an extremely effective weight loss program which also has a positive effect on your personal quality of life.

It was carried out in cooperation with the Department of Quality Management and Social Medicine of the Medical Centre of the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg. The results of the study clearly show that with Metabolic Balance, overweight people can effectively reduce their weight and maintain the weight loss in the long term.

The scientists were equally surprised by a significant improvement in the participants’ blood values during the course of the study, as well as program participants’ statements that expressed a clear improvement in their personal and health-related quality of life.

Sustainable improvement of quality of life

A widely-accepted measure of the long-term success of outpatient weight loss programmes is a reduction in initial weight of at least 5% over a period of at least one year. 62.5% of participants in the Metabolic Balance metabolic program met this condition.

A total of 31.1% of program participants lost more than twice this recommended weight, i.e. more than 10% of their initial body weight.

In an evaluation study of another outpatient weight loss program, only 50% of the participants achieved the target of 5% weight loss, while only 20% of the participants lost at least 10% of their weight.

Clearly recognisable – positive changes in your health-related quality of life

The positive changes in blood values associated with weight loss were in indicated in the evaluation of the study results. The reflection of the participants on the clear improvement of their health quality of life was yet another positive.

At the beginning of the study, only 38% of the participants stated that their quality of life was in no way restricted (normal value in Germany is 75%). Many participants complained about severe impairments. After one year, their quality of life had improved significantly: 68% of the participants were now satisfied with their quality of life.

At the beginning of the study, 27% of customers reported serious health problems. After one year, this figure had fallen to 11.3%, close to the average of the entire German population (10%).

Metabolic Balance Arabia

Metabolic balance and the metabolic syndrome

Another result of the study shows that the systematic change in diet through Metabolic Balance significantly improves the symptoms of metabolic syndrome (obesity, diabetes, hypertension and lipid metabolism disorders).

Among the Metabolic Balance study participants who suffered from metabolic syndrome at the beginning of the program, 76% of the participants no longer met the criteria for this diagnosis after one year.

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